(View: 8990)
Đây là những kỹ thuật photoshop đơn giản và dễ dàng dành cho các bạn yêu nhiếp ảnh chân dung. Đơn giản và dễ dàng là vì những kỹ thuật này chỉ hậu kỳ nhẹ lên chủ đề và gây cảm tưởng tốt cho người được chụp khi họ xem ảnh. Bạn chỉ cần bỏ ra 2 tới 3 phút là có thể hoàn thành một kỹ thuật. Bạn không cần phải có kiến thức cơ bản về photoshop (nhưng nếu có thì càng tốt) và chỉ tuần tự làm theo từng bước hướng dẫn.
(View: 10542)
Về cơ bản, ảnh chân dung gồm 3 loại: chụp cận mặt, chụp bán thân (demi thân trên) và chân dung ngoại cảnh. Trong loại ảnh chân dung thứ 3, người cầm máy nhắm vào chủ thể và hậu cảnh xung quanh chủ thể nhằm thể hiện tính cách của chủ thể - đây cũng là thể loại ảnh thường gặp trong cuộc sống hằng ngày.
(View: 10097)
Làm ấm sắc độ: Khi chụp ngoài trời nắng, ta nên chỉnh từ chế độ “auto” sang “cloudy”. Sự hiệu chỉnh này giốngnhư việc đặt một tấm lọc ấm áp lên thấu kính, làm tăng sắc độ đỏ vàng, giúp tránh được cảm giác lành lạnh của cáctấm ảnh mà đôi khi chúng ta gặp phải.
(View: 8703)
Làm ấm sắc độ: Khi chụp ngoài trời nắng, ta nên chỉnh từ chế độ “auto” sang “cloudy”. Sự hiệu chỉnh này giốngnhư việc đặt một tấm lọc ấm áp lên thấu kính, làm tăng sắc độ đỏ vàng, giúp tránh được cảm giác lành lạnh của cáctấm ảnh mà đôi khi chúng ta gặp phải.

Lá đu đủ chửa bịnh ung thư

Saturday, November 20, 201012:00 AM(View: 17569)
Đó là dùng lá Đu Đủ làm thuốc chữa ung thư mà chính tôi biết rõ. Anh Bình có biết anh Thái Quang Minh Tuấn thuộc trường Phi Hành ngoài Nha Trang ngày xưa không? Anh Tuấn bị ung thư phổi rất nặng và bác sĩ cho xuất viện về nhà... đợi chết, nói anh ấy chỉ có thể sống được thêm 5 ngày tới một tuần lễ mà thôi. Cả nhà tuyệt vọng nhưng anh Tuấn có nghe biết về Lá Đu Đủ nên nấu dùng thử. Tụi tôi có đến thăm, thấy anh ấy không khác gì những người tù Do Thái trong trại tập trung Đức Quốc Xã, đợi lùa vào phòng hơi ngạt! Chị ấy kể rằng máu mủ từ phổi chảy ra qua ống nylon laduduchảy ra ngoài, hôi thối không ai chịu nổi, kể cả con cái. Thế mà, kỳ diệu thay, mới chỉ uống nước Lá Đu Đủ được 3 ngày, anh ta thấy bớt đau và phổi không còn thải ra nước hôi thối nữa! Qua tuần lễ đó, anh vẫn sống, vẫn tiếp tục uống và khỏi luôn khiến bác sĩ và các y tá điều trị cho anh ở bệnh viện Fort-Worth phải cực cùng kinh ngạc.

Anh phục hồi sức khỏe rất nhanh chóng, bây giờ không hút thuốc lá nữa, phương phi khỏe mạnh như xưa. Hôm gặp anh ấy trong một tiệc cưới, tôi ngạc nhiên không thể ngờ. Lúc đó bà cụ tôi vừa khám phá ra bệng ung thư xương. Cancer ăn tiêu mất 1/3 xương hông, nơi đó đùn lên một cái mass cancer to bằng cái chén và cụ tôi đau đớn không đi lại được, phải ngồi xe lăn. Mỗi ngày tôi phải đưa cụ vào bệnh viện chạy radiation và rồi làm chemo-therapy. Anh Tuấn cho tôi một ít lá đu đủ, nói để Me tôi dùng thử, may ra khỏi vì anh không biết nó có công hiệu cho các ung thư khác không…. Tôi lấy về cho Me tôi dùng thay nước trà mỗi ngày, gửi thư về VN nói cô em tôi kiếm gửi qua nữa. Cụ tôi 81 tuổi. Khi chữa thuốc tây, tôi vẫn cho cụ uống lá đu đủ song song và bác sĩ phải lấy làm lạ lùng vì cụ không bị rụng tóc hay bất cứ một phản ứng gì khác do chất hóa học và radiation làm ra như skin rash, táo bón...

Sau đó còn một vài trường hợp như ung thư bao tử, trực tràng, phổi... cả Việt lẫn Mỹ đều khỏi rất nhanh chóng. Một ông bạn già của tôi có ông con rể người Hoa Kỳ bị bác sĩ chê, sắp sửa ra đi, vậy mà mới uống lá đu đủ vài tuần đã đi làm lại được và tin tưởng tuyệt đối vào môn thuốc ngoại khoa này. Thật ra việc dùng lá đu đủ chữa bệnh ung thư, hồi mới qua đây được ít năm, tôi có đọc một tài liệu y khoa trên báo Mỹ nói đến thổ dân ở Úc đã lấy Lá Đu Đủ chữa khỏi bệnh cancer. Tài liệu này do một bác sĩ người Đức làm việc ở Canberra viết và phổ biến.

Tôi cũng xin gửi kèm thư này cái eMail tôi gửi cho thân hữu có kèm thư anh Văn Quang từ Saigon mới gửi cho tôi cách đây hai tuần. Anh Văn Quang cho biết trường hợp một bà bị ung thư tử cung mà khỏi nhờ lá đu đủ do tôi mách bảo. Hồi đó nghe tin nhà văn Mặc Thu bị ung thư phổi, tôi bèn viết eMail nhờ Văn Quang nói với gia đình ông Mặc Thu nhưng họ không tin. Văn Quang cũng nghi ngờ nhưng bây giờ thì tin lắm.

Vậy anh Bình ơi, anh hãy nghe tôi, chịu khó dùng xem sao. Nó không khó uống đâu và làm rất giản dị. Chỉ bốc một nhúm cho vào bình nước sôi như ta pha trà rồi uống thay nước mỗi ngày, càng nhiều càng tốt. Đừng pha nhạt quá mà cũng đừng pha đặc quá khó uống. Tôi gửi gói này, cũng phải mấy tháng mới dùng hết. Anh chị đừng lo. Nếu thấy đỡ và cần thêm, tôi sẽ cung cấp cho anh chị.

Tụi này nhớ đến hai bác rất thường. Hôm trước có gọi thăm nhưng không được, tôi tưởng hai bác dọn nhà hay đổi số mới mà không cho biết nên định bụng năm nay gửi thiệp Giáng Sinh sẽ hỏi số điện thoại và địa chỉ eMail của anh chị hay của cháu Trang, cháu Tiến để liên lạc nhanh chóng hơn.

Chúng tôi vẫn bình thường và vừa có cháu ngoại đầu lòng được hơn tháng rồi, bận với thằng nhỏ cũng vui lắm.

Chúng tôi mong chúc anh chóng bình phục. Thăm cả nhà và mong có dịp sẽ gặp lại anh chị và hai cháu.

Theo bài chia sẻ từ hội thân hữu VietNam

Papaya Leaf Studies Show Efficacy For Aging and Cancer
- by Virginia Robertson

** Role of papain in treating a variety of maladies **

One of my first realizations that there might be something to the aforementioned claim came about when I read an interesting clinical study performed to discover what percentage of cancer patients around the world used alternative therapies, what therapies were used, and what the effect was overall. Papaya Leaf tea was on the list of regular complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) in 14 countries.

I found out why when I began doing research on enzymes. An enzyme is a biological catalyst - like in a car, a "starter" or "igniter" - that can bring about a change without changing itself. Your body has over 3,000 enzyme catalysts that have been given names.

The papain enzyme, found in both the papaya fruit and its leaves, has a special function, which is to break up proteins. Digesting proteins is a role our pancreas usually performs pretty well until we're about 25 years old. Then things tend to kind of get backed up. The primary reasons are that we eat dead food (which overworks our pancreas) and don't eat enough raw fruits and vegetables, so that by the time we hit our mid-twenties, we have bodies full of toxins, and habits that only make things worse.

The depleting effect that diet has on the enzymes our bodies produce was a subject of research done in the mid 1940s by Dr. Edward Howell, who was later interviewed by raw-food advocate Victoras Kulvinskas for a book the latter was writing, "Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity." When asked how serious a strain our diet of mostly cooked food placed on our "enzyme bank," Dr. Howell replied, "I believe it's one of the paramount causes of premature aging and early death. I also believe it's...

... the underlying cause of almost all degenerative disease. ...

... The "stealing" of enzymes from organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and muscles to service the overburdened digestive tract, he maintained, "sets up a competition for enzymes among the various organ systems and tissues of the body. The resulting metabolic dislocations may be the direct cause of cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes and many other chronic incurable diseases. This state of enzyme deficiency stress exists in the majority of persons on the civilized, enzyme-free diet."

Papain can help us overcome this deficiency, particularly when working in tandem with all of the other ingredients in the papaya leaf. That in essence is why papaya leaf tea can make your body begin to function again like that of a healthy young person.

The papain enzyme, like your pancreatic enzymes, is a protein-eater and can substitute for a weak pancreas. By helping you to digest proteins from your food, it keeps them from forming toxic matter in your intestines.

'Frequently, papain is included in prescription combinations of digestive enzymes to replace what individuals with cystic fibrosis or pancreas conditions cannot produce naturally. Because it improves digestion in general, papain has also been used orally to treat less serious digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion.'

Digestive disturbances are not the only conditions that papain has been known to help alleviate. It may, for instance, reduce postoperative swelling, expedite healing from injuries and help relieve the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. It has also proven effective as a treatment for psoriasis and cold sores caused by Herpes zoster virus, warts and ringworm, and in removing dead tissue from burned skin, a result of its ability to break down proteins. (1)

As if all that weren't enough, it is used in many countries both to treat and help prevent malaria. In fact, according to the global hunger fighting organization ECHO, a hospital in Zimbabwe, located in an area where malaria is a serious problem, began using papaya leaf tea a number of years ago and reported that those taking it did not come down with the disease (although admittedly this claim is anecdotal). (2)

Probably the most difficult part of doing research on the use of papaya leaf extract around the world is that the leaves (as well as other parts of the plant) have so many varied medicinal uses and that is probably why they are not as well known specifically for their impressive cancer-fighting properties.

** Are papaya leaves really an effective treatment for cancer? **

It may be hard to believe, but nearly a century ago, a Scottish embryologist, Dr. John Beard, developed a theory that pancreatic enzymes defend the body against cancer cells, which he explored in a book called "The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis". Beard had been studying placentas, and noted how a placenta seems to invade the uterus in a manner not unlike a tumour, but stops growing once the fetal pancreas begins to work. From that observation, he extrapolated that pancreatic enzymes might have a similar effect on cancer itself. In subsequent experiments with both animal and human subjects, he showed that juices extracted from the pancreases of young animals and injected into patients with malignant tumours could, in fact, effectively shrink them.

When other physicians tried to duplicate the work, however, they were less successful - probably because they failed to follow his procedure, which was to extract enzymes from young animals and inject them while they were still fresh. As a result, Dr Beard's theories were largely dismissed and fell into obscurity - that is, until the 1960s when Dr. William Donald Kelley, a Texas dentist, cured himself of usually fatal pancreatic cancer using the Beard approach, then went on to develop his own nutritionally based cancer therapy that was reported to be highly effective in patients whose immune

systems had not been totally destroyed by chemotherapy and other conventional treatments. It was Dr. Kelley's belief that cancers originated with primordial germ cells that are able to invade normal tissue at places in the body that have been compromised by stress or toxic exposure where they encounter no resistance from the immune system, and that pancreatic enzymes could effectively reduce or eradicate them. (3)

Both Dr. Beard's and Dr. Kelley's ideas have also been adapted by Dr. Nicholas Gonzelez, who developed a detoxification regimen that includes a freeze-dried porcine pancreatic enzyme administered in capsule form. (4)

Essentially, what pancreatic enzymes do is to digest protein - which is what enables them to destroy cancer cells. But cancer creates its own weapons to eradicate these enzymes and when one's pancreas is already weakened, a malignancy can easily overwhelm it. To quote Dr. Kelley, "a pancreas that cannot metabolize protein cannot protect the body from cancer." (5)

Studies done of mice that had been inoculated with malignant tumours and treated with enzyme therapy at different times, have demonstrated just how effective such treatment can be in preventing cancer from metastasizing. The first set was given enzymes at stage four cancer after tumour removal; 30 percent survived. The second set was given enzymes at the onset of cancer; their survival rate was 60 percent. The third set was given enzymes prior to the introduction of cancer, and 100 percent of them survived. Such research should serve to indicate the importance of enzyme supplementation as part of an anticancer regimen. (6)

The enzyme found in the papaya leaf, papain, is a protein-eating substance that can perform the same function as pancreatic enzymes. It can compensate for a weak pancreas if you have cancer or help to prevent cancer by digesting proteins from your food so that they do not go undigested and become toxic in your intestines. According to one study, in fact, "papain will digest most protein substrates more extensively than the pancreatic proteases." (7)

The importance of papaya leaves as a cancer-fighting agent is further accentuated by the fact that of 3,000 enzymes identified by scientists, there are only two created by natural plants and fruits that specialize in eating away the fibrous coating, or protein armour, that forms around cancer cells via a process called proteolysis. These specialty enzymes, known as "proteolytic," or protein eating enzymes, are papain and bromelain. Bromelain is found in the core of the pineapple. Of these two it is the papain from papaya leaves that has been most widely used both culturally and historically to successfully treat various cancers.

** Specifically how does this enzyme work to inhibit malignant growth? **

As the process is explained in the journal, The Doctor's Prescription for Healthy Living, "Formation of fibrin (protein) on the tumour cell membrane serves as a protective barrier against tumour cell recognition by the immunological system. Proteolytic enzymes (like papain) inhibit both excess fibrin deposition and inflammation, thus helping to prevent the spread of tumour cells." (8)

** The fallacies that have caused many doctors to ignore papain's cancer fighting ability **

As I discovered, however, many conventional practitioners are apt to dismiss the whole concept of oral enzyme therapy for cancer based on a premise they learned in medical school, which has since been shown to be fallacious. I only found out about it because I really needed to understand why my mother's doctors didn't recommend enzyme therapy when the information, the science and the clinical studies were all there to show that it really works.

What I learned was that we need to give these doctors a bit of a break - at least, the ones here in North America who are older than 45. That's because the textbooks that they studied told them that enzymes are great for digestion, but they are simply too big to make it through the intestinal wall, so enzymes taken by mouth therefore could not work. It was only within the last 25 years that scientists proved this hypothesis to be incorrect (and most doctors, it should be noted, are human too and just don't have the time to take refresher courses or keep up with all the latest developments in medicine in every area).

Steve Hefferon explains on the Health Guidance Web site,

Proteolytic enzymes, also referred to as "proteases," are enzymes that break down proteins into their smallest elements. If this breakdown of proteins happens in your gut, we call the enzymes "digestive" because they help us digest our food. Systemic proteolytic enzymes, however, have a completely different purpose, so please don't confuse the two. When taken on an empty stomach, proteolytic enzymes will pass through the stomach or intestine lining and enter the circulatory system. This is why they are called "systemic". Once they enter the circulatory system, they circulate throughout the body." (9)

Just how far behind the informational curve physicians can be on such matters is exemplified by an experience I had one Saturday at my business upon discovering that a customer of mine happened to be a doctor. I asked him his credentials, and when he told me that he was on the board of directors of a homeopathic enterprise, that really aroused my curiosity. "So," I inquired, "Do you know of papain?" "Yes", He replied, "That is the protein-eating enzyme". I then asked him what the chances were that papain could be used to successfully treat cancer. His response was one of disdain. "Horse manure!" he declared. "The enzymes won't make it past your stomach." I smiled. Information science had paid off. I told him how scientists have now proven that enzymes can make it past the stomach and through the intestinal wall. My little "seminar" with him ended up lasting about an hour, at the end of which he asked me to please e-mail him all of my data.

Now, however, we face a new challenge - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved oral enzymes for cancer therapy. Doctors in America can't recommend or prescribe what is not FDA approved. European doctors can, however, and now do. The drug companies, though, won't be interested in paying for clinical studies unless there is money in it for them and one can't patent a leaf, unless it's sufficiently altered to make it an "original" formula.

Then there are those "experts" who have attempted to dismiss the effectiveness of the enzyme action of papaya leaf tea based on the conventional scientific claim that enzymes "die" at 114 degrees Fahrenheit. In actuality, papain has proven to be an exception, especially in the presence of water, with optimum activity at 150°F, perfect for tea. Proof that papain's effectiveness survives high temperatures is shown by the fact that, when used as a meat enderizer, it continues to tenderize after cooking.

But the best anecdote I've seen reflecting the tendency of conventional medicine to keep cancer patients unaware of the potential benefits of this therapy (and one that helped motivate me to write this booklet) is the story about Hope Clinic founder Dr. Ernesto Contreras. Sr. Contreras, a believer in enzyme therapy, started the clinic for cancer victims that the rest of the medical world had given up on. He had to endure years of being called a quack, but with persistence, succeeded in demonstrating that the process of curing cancer is not just about killing a tumour, but is a matter of "whole healing" involving the spirit, mind and body. Then, late in his career, after having survived decades of disdain from the medical establishment, he had an interesting patient visit his clinic. As his son recounted the story, "...a renowned oncologist came to visit my father. He explained that he had cancer and was looking for someone to treat him. My father asked him, "Why not take the chemotherapy that you have prescribed to your patients over the past 30 years?" The doctor responded, "But this is me we are talking about, Ernesto!" This cancer specialist's experience treating thousands of cancer patients had taught him that chemotherapy alone was not going to cure him. He came to my father looking for an integrative approach." (10)

** Some 'anecdotal evidence' of the power of papain in treating cancer **

Whenever practitioners of conventional wisdom wish to downplay evidence that something can bring about some either desired or undesired effect, they'll refer to it as "anecdotal" (as opposed to "scientific"). In this article, I've attempted to tell you a little about the science involved in the use of papaya leaf enzyme in the treatment of cancer. Now I'd like to present you with a few examples of the "anecdotal" evidence of its effectiveness:

- In one case, a 40-year-old banana grower had undergone two operations for bladder cancer, but they did not prevent the cancer from metastasizing. He was then placed on a very simple diet consisting of fresh, living foods with no preservatives, no white flour, no sugar, no colorings and no additives, and was told to stuff a handful of papaya leaves into a saucepan filled with water, boil them, simmer for one hour and "drink it till it comes out of your ears." Five weeks later, he reportedly had no trace of cancer whatsoever. (11)

- In another case, an elderly woman in Britain, suffering from bowel and stomach cancer, had been sent home to die. Having been given no chance of recovery, she was provided with papaya leaves that had been ground in a coffee grinder and told to brew them into a tea, which she drank regularly. Her cancer vanished without a trace. (12)

- Next is the case of a 74-year-old woman with bladder cancer. Surgery had been unable to remove the cancer completely. During a period of 3 months, this woman used papaya leaves. After running out of papaya leaves, she began to use the papaya skin by boiling it. After going back to her doctor for a check-up, the doctor's diagnosis was that the cancer had been eradicated, and this result was confirmed by a subsequent medical examination 4 months later. This 74-year-old woman now reports feeling 100% better and she insists her experience proves papaya can promote recovery from cancer. (13)

** Papaya leaf tea: the basic essentials **

By now, there are some questions about papaya leaf tea that you'd undoubtedly like to have answered. For instance, are there people who shouldn't drink it?

The answer is yes - the same ones who are advised against taking any proteolytic enzymes. According to Steve Hefferon of the Health Guidance Web site, the following people should not take consume papaya in any form:

 - Individuals taking prescription blood thinners (Coumadin, Heparin, Plavix);

 - Anyone who will be having surgery in less than two weeks;

 - Individuals with known ulcers of the stomach;

 - Individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease. (GERD);

 - Pregnant or lactating women;

 - Individuals currently taking antibiotics, and;

 - Individuals with an allergic reaction to pineapples or papayas. (14)

Then there's the question of how safe papaya is for people other than those listed above, and whether it has any side effects. "Proteolytic enzymes have an excellent safety record, with no significant side effects reported," notes Hefferon. But, as with anything, he advises that their use be discontinued in the event that an allergic reaction ensues. (15)

Finally, how should papaya leaves be brewed and how often should it be consumed? According to the organization ECHO, in countries where it is used as a malaria preventive it is recommended that it be taken regularly on a twice-a-week schedule, as follows: "Use one fresh leaf which you boil in 2 liters of water. Let it boil a short time and let it rest for some minutes. Drink 1/4 of a cup each time. It is bitter, but it is not poisonous. You should not eat the raw leaves, however."

The leaves are also available in Cut or powder form, a quarter teaspoon of which will make one cup of tea. (16)

** Why papaya tea instead of a papain pill? **

At this point, some readers may be convinced of the benefits of papain but are wondering why it's necessary to have to ingest it as tea brewed from papaya leaves. Wouldn't it be simpler to take it in capsule form?

Papain pills, in fact, are readily available. The enzyme is drawn out of the papaya tree by slicing the trunk and draining out the milky sap, which is dried and then made into pills. So why not forget the papaya leaf tea and just take the papain pill?

The reason that I personally believe in using tea made from the natural leaf is that there is more to the leaf than just papain and that the synergistic interaction of papain with other substances in the leaf may substantially contribute to its cancer-fighting and therapeutic properties. As powerful as papain can be by itself, the papaya leaf is also a source of riboflavin, or Vitamin B2, which is required for various cellular processes and plays a key role in energy metabolism, as well as beta carotene, Vitamin E, and potassium - substances that our diet seems to lack in the quantities we really need. (17) While the way enzymes work remains largely a mystery, we do have some clues that to achieve maximum effectiveness, they require the presence of nutritional "accomplices" (such as vitamins), while other substances actually can slow down or stop enzyme functionality (such as sugar and alcohol).

** Please note that TerraVita does offer Papaya leaf capsules here:

A mentor of mine told me that when he studied at Oxford University in England he was taught that intelligence was not necessarily the search for the right answers, but instead, the passion to find the right questions. After all my research on this subject, my conclusion is that we ask the wrong question when we ask what the "cure" for cancer is. This is as pointless as asking for a "cure" for aging, or a "cure" for gravity.

What, then, is the right question? Perhaps instead of "How do I try not to die?", it is, "How should I live?" That's a question I would answer by advising you to eat what your body needs to live (ideally, 11 servings of fresh vegetables per day and four servings of fruit), not to consume cell-destroying things (sugar, and processed foods), and to supplement your diet with papaya tea to fight off the carcinogens you will inevitably encounter in this world. If we could all spend our entire lives doing this, I believe our lives would not only be considerably longer, but we could all keep cancer at bay, just like the mice in the experiment mentioned earlier who were administered enzymes prior to being injected with cancer and had a 100 percent survival rate.

Living healthier lifestyles to whatever extent is feasible for each of us will, I'm convinced, greatly increase our chances of being able to overcome the malignancies that will periodically try to make inroads into our bodies, and to otherwise lead healthier and happier lives. Getting into the habit of drinking papaya leaf tea is certainly one of the easiest - and perhaps most effective - things we can do along these lines.

This is something I would hope you would encourage everyone you know to do as well: your parents, your children, your friends, and hopefully, even your doctor.

- by Virginia Robertson

All of our Papaya Leaf products can be found here: leaf

** Third-Party Research References:




(4) Ibid

(5) Biser, Sam. Curing Cancer with Nutrition: The use of diet and enzyme therapy to cure Cancer. Charlottesville, VA: University of Natural Healing, Inc., 1994.

(6) Wald M, Olejar T, Pouckova P, Zadinova M, Proteinases reduce metastatic dissemination and increase survival time in C57B16 mice with the Lewis lung carcinoma. Life Sci 1998, 63:L237-243


(8) "Systemic Oral Enzymes in Cancer Therapeutics," The Doctor's Prescription for Healthy Living, Vol. 4 , No. 6


(10) Francisco Contreras, MD, Jorge Barroso-Aranda, M.D., Ph.D., and Daniel E. Kennedy, "Dismantling Cancer," Interpacific Press


(12) Ibid

(13) Harold Tietze, "Living Food for Longer Life", Beekman Books Inc, 2001, p. 49


(15) Ibid


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- Bệnh tim mạch - Ung thư - Bệnh nhiễm trùng - Tai nạn
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ạ Bệnh nhói tim : Tim bị nhói, đè lên ngực, đau lan sang hàm trái và tay tráị Nếu bị tắc hẳn bởi một cục máu thì phần tim không được nuôi dưỡng bị chết đó là bịnh hủy hoại cơ tim, chết một phần tim (heart attack) rất bất ngờ, phải được chở vào nhà thương cấp cứu ngaỵ b. Mạch máu óc hay cổ bị bít: bệnh thường âm thầm trong nhiều năm, rồi một ngày nào đó máu hết lưu thông, có chỗ còn bị rách tung ra, làm tê liệt một phần cơ thể: Mắt và cổ bị tê cứng, méo mồm, choáng váng, nhức đầu như búa bổ. Có khi bị tê nửa người, bán thân bất toại kéo dài hàng năm
(View: 20602)
Nhiều người cho biết rằng KHÓ có thể tìm mua Black Cherry Juice. Nhưng chính tôi đã đi tìm và thấy những chai nhỏ 8 oz Concentrate Black Cherry, được bầy bán trong những Grocery Stores (như Fred Meyers, Safeway) với giá $3.99/ea. Bạn có thể mua một vài chai đem về pha nước rồi uống thử nếu thấy hiệu-nghiệm thì tiếp tục mua Online với giá rẻ hơn với giá $5.53 một chai 16 oz .
(View: 16262)
.....Người Việt di cư qua Mỹ chúng ta sống rất hoà đồng với dân bản xứ theo đúng chủ nghĩa "bình đẳng cấm kỳ thị" (Equal Right Amendment) cho nên cơ thể cũng thay đổi trở thành phì nhiêu như dân bản xứ Hoa Kỳ theo năm tháng sống trên đất Mỹ này. Người Việt từ ngày qua đây hết khỏi hẳn bệnh đói thiếu ăn nhưng lại lây phải bệnh "phì lũ".
(View: 16017)
3. Sau khi ăn đi ngủ ngay Đi ngủ ngay sau khi ăn sẽ làm cho huyết dịch ở não chảy về dạ dày. Do huyết áp hạ thấp nên lượng ôxy cung cấp cho não cũng theo đó mà giảm đi, tạo ra sự mệt mỏi sau bữa ăn, dễ gây ra nhiệt miệng hoặc tiêu hoá không tốt, còn dễ gây ra béo phì. Nếu cơ thể thiếu máu thì nếu sau khi ăn cơm nằm xuống ngủ ngay còn khiến cơ thể dễ bị trúng gió.
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Một số người sau khi ăn xong thì thấy mệt mỏi, buồn ngủ rũ rượi, đó chính là do lượng huyết dịch tăng cường chảy vào bộ máy tiêu hóa, làm cho não bộ ở trong tình trạng tạm thời thiếu máu. Ngủ làm cho đại não rơi vào trạng thái ức chế, đưa đến ức chế tất cả các bộ máy trong cơ thể, trong đó có bộ máy tiêu hóa. Như vậy, giấc ngủ sẽ làm cho công năng của dạ dày, ruột bị giảm đi rõ rệt. Nếu ăn xong mà ngủ ngay thì thức ăn sẽ không được tiêu hóa một cách hoàn thiện, do đó thức ăn hấp thu kém, người sẽ mệt mỏi, bụng chướng, ậm ạch, khó tiêu và là nguyên nhân dẫn đến những bệnh về dạ dày, ruột.
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Ăn quá độ Y hoc Trung hoa coi hệ tiêu hoá tốt là điểu kiện chủ yếu để có thể sống thọ sống mạnh. Hệ tiêu hóa gồm có nhiều bộ phận hợp cùng nhau để “bẻ gãy”, hấp thụ và xử lý tất cả các chất dinh dưỡng chứa trong thực phẩm chúng ta ăn vào. Nếu hệ tiêu hoá không lành mạnh thì bạn sẽ thiếu dinh dưỡng và những độc tố sẽ tích tụ trong cơ thể dẫn đến bệnh tật gây suy thoái và sự lão hóa nhanh chóng.
(View: 17640)
Xô cô la đen Nghiên cứu cho thấy xô-cô-la đen trợ lực cho tim, hạ áp huyết, giảm cholesterol xấu LDL, và gia tăng lượng máu chạy lên não. Xô-cô-la đen còn nâng cao mức serotonin và endorphin là những hóa chất có liên hệ tới sự cải thiện tâm trạng và khả năng tập trung. Nên dùng loại xô-cô-la đen chứa từ 60% ca-cao trở lên
(View: 22876)
Triệu chứng tùy vào nguyên nhân gây thiếu máu, mức độ thiếu máu nhẹ hay nặng, thiếu máu xảy ra từ từ hay mau chóng. Nhiều trường hợp thiếu máu nặng vẫn không gây triệu chứng gì cả nếu thiếu máu xảy ra chậm chậm qua nhiều ngày tháng; nhưng thường, khi trị số hemoglobin (viết tắt Hb) xuống dưới 7 g/dl, người bệnh sẽ thấy mau mệt, nhức đầu, khó thở, choáng váng, đau ngực. Khi người bệnh trông xanh quá, than nhìn không còn rõ, xỉu, tim đập nhanh, ta nên mau chóng thăm khám và chữa trị ngay.